Signs of Pregnancy
Missed your period? Feeling sick? Witnessing an unusual increase in bloat? Before you sound the alarms and brace yourself for the family lecture, pause for a moment to consider your situation. You may be panicking when you are simply late for Mother Nature’s monthly visit.
Take a deep breath. Let’s go over the basics!
Your Options

Deciding to parent your child can feel intimidating and may come with challenges, but it also comes with many joys and rewards. This journey will look different for every mom whether you decide to co-parent, choose single parenting, get married, or parenting with the help of a family member or friend.
We’re here to walk with you as long as you need or desire. You’ll have plenty of time to prepare for the journey ahead.
Utilize the resources in this website to help you get started.

When facing an unexpected pregnancy, it is understandable if you are just not ready to be a parent. Your decision must be made with serious consideration to both your well-being and that of your child. For some new mothers, the idea of placing their children for adoption is a daunting prospect, but in today’s adoption, you get to decide everything from your baby’s parents to how open you’d like the adoption to be.
The good news is that you have time. As you think about your options, we encourage you to contact an adoption agency with any questions you have. Know that asking questions does not mean you are making a commitment. Explore stories from other birth moms and take your time. We’re Standing With You.

Please understand that abortion will end the life of your child. We encourage you to consider the many resources and support available to you and to examine abortion information before making your decision. You are not alone. There is help and support available.
Abortion can cost anywhere from $300 to over $1000 depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy. Abortion procedures include chemical (up to 10 weeks) and surgical abortions. To fully understand the different abortion procedures, please visit and listen to Dr. Anthony Levatino, OBGYN, explain the various methods. You will also find FAQs regarding each procedure on the website. There are many medical and emotional complications that can impact you following an abortion, so it is essential to gather as much information as possible.
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