Standing With You Fellow Chloe Davis has changed the policy at Charleston Southern University (CSU) to ensure her school cannot dismiss a student for becoming pregnant outside of marriage. Her new policy utilizes scripture to uphold the school’s Christian values while serving pregnant students in a way that will help them choose life! Here’s what you need to know about this amazing accomplishment:
Charleston Southern University is a private Baptist university in Charleston, South Carolina and is affiliated with the South Carolina Baptist Convention.
Understandably, this Christian school requested certain exemptions from Title IX; however, not all exemptions are beneficial or uphold Gospel teachings of grace for supporting students who become pregnant. Specifically, the school sought Title IX exemptions that included “marital or parental status,” meaning a student or employee could legally be dismissed from the school if they became pregnant outside of marriage. Often, Christian schools will seek Title IX exemptions to remain within their moral framework yet the ability to expel a student for becoming pregnant will often have the opposite effect, causing students to seek abortions to continue in their academic pursuits.
Understanding the necessity to remain within their moral framework while also supporting any student who becomes pregnant to choose life, Chole worked to ensure the policy at CSU would accomplish both.
Chloe was featured in a Campus Reform Exclusive which highlighted her efforts as she galvanized students to write support emails to the Dean for months until finally the new policy was presented to the CSU Senior Board. She persisted in communication with the Dean of Students until the policy was approved in Spring 2023.
The policy states:
Scripture urges believers to seek wise and godly counsel when faced with significant or difficult life choices (Proverbs 11:14).
Charleston Southern University (CSU) wants to assist students involved in an unplanned pregnancy to consider the options available to them within the Christian moral framework. These include marriage of the parents, single parenthood, or placing the child with an adoptive family. With each option, CSU stands ready to support and equip students in their decision and encourages unmarried students to reach out to Residence Life staff, Counseling and/or the Campus Minister.
Abortion goes against the values of unique personhood and creation in the image of God – it is inherently anti-scriptural and incompatible with the core beliefs of the university (Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:13-18; Jeremiah 1:5).
… If the parents of the child wish to continue educational pursuits at CSU while pregnant, discrimination towards those parents by faculty, staff and/or students is prohibited, and such behavior will be met with disciplinary actions. If a pregnant student feels she is being discriminated against, she should report it immediately to the Student Success Center or Dean of Students.
This marks one of ten other policies passed in the 2022-2023 school year to support pregnant and parenting students on campuses across the country. Standing With You applauds Chloe’s efforts to ensure that every student on her campus will be supported in their decision to pursue academic goals while pregnant or parenting!
Want to pass a policy at YOUR school next year? Connect with our Standing With You team at www.standingwithyou.org/StudentAdvocate