Tiny Blue Lines: A new book by Chaunie Brusie

by Kristan Hawkins | February 14, 2014

Tiny Blue LinesFor those of you who have read our stories of young student moms, many of you will remember the story of Chaunie Brusie, who became a mother as a 21-year-old senior in college. Since giving birth to her daughter, Ada, Chaunie has courageously embraced her motherhood, and she has used her story to inspire and encourage other young women experiencing unplanned pregnancies.

But that’s not all! Chaunie just published a book!

In her new book, Tiny Blue Lines, Chaunie once again shares her story and details her journey into motherhood. Throughout the book, she offers snip-its of her own life experiences as well as testimonies from other young women. The stories are honest reflections of young motherhood. With a great mix humor and practical advice, she answers questions about announcing the pregnancy, preparing for birth, relationship decisions, post-baby body, responding to strangers, and more. Moreover, it offers helpful resources for understanding your new pregnancy and moving forward as a mother and a student.

Are you a pro-life student group leader or member? This book is great for you too! It will help you see into the emotions and experiences of your pregnant and parenting peers. Also, you will find useful guides to help you effectively change your campus and to help you better respond to women in unexpected pregnancies. (Volunteers and activists in other pro-life ministries- such as pregnancy resource centers- will similarly benefit from this book.)

Here is a sneak peek of the book:

“I want young women to feel empowered. I want us to feel empowered in the choice to become mothers and empowered to continue to carve out our lives as women—both personally and professionally. And I believe that starts with women sharing their stories, both failures and triumphs. Because it’s not helpful to say that motherhood is all rainbows and butterflies and having a baby is “just the best thing ever.”

Like anything else in life, there are good days and bad days with young motherhood. It can be really challenging, especially if you don’t have a supportive partner. I will tell you honestly that I have been so tired that I have yelled at my poor, crying baby and called my mother in desperation, because I was so exhausted that I couldn’t see straight. But then I will tell you that I have also been reduced to tears of joy in the grocery parking lot, just watching my daughter catch snowflakes on her tongue and getting lost in the sheer happiness of loving her.”

Intrigued? Here’s what you can do:

*Discounts are offered to Pregnancy Resource Centers. Contact Chaunie for more information.


This review has been provided for you by Beth O’Malley, SFLA National College Program Coordinator. If you are interested in learning more about the Pregnant on Campus Initiative, or would like help with your college pro-life student group, contact Beth at [email protected].