At Standing With You, our goal is to make sure all pregnant and parenting women are connected with supportive resources that will ensure their success now and in the future. Our mission is to do this while equipping student and community leaders with the tools they need. This fall, we are taking back our campus for women by serving, supporting, and supplying resources.
We are excited to announce you can support pregnant and parenting women on your campus in two different ways! First, we’ve developed a Standing With You Event-in-a-Box that includes everything you’ll need to ensure women are connected with positive, helpful, non-judgmental resources. This box includes sample event ideas, fliers, topic cards, brochures, stickers and more. At www.StandingWithYou.org/MyCampus, you can order this box or download individual printable fliers to hang around your school.
Did you know your group can be listed as a resource in the Standing With You resource database? That’s right! Join forces with student groups like Baylor University, who have made sure all campus resources that will ensure a parenting student’s accommodations or a student parent’s success on campus are known.
We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again: No woman should ever feel like she must choose between her child and her education. Standing With You is here to help you help her find what she needs to succeed!