

Break Up with Planned Parenthood this Valentine’s Day

by Christina Fioretto | February 12, 2024
As Valentine’s Day creeps up, love is practically oozing from every corner. Now, let’s talk partners. You want to find someone who’s the real deal – trustworthy, genuinely cares about you, and has zero ulterior motives. It’s all about being with someone on the same wavelength and creating a connection built on respect and openness. And hey, this wisdom isn’t
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Pregnancy Health & Wellness
You're Not Alone

5 Books for Expectant Moms

by Brenna Lewis | April 2, 2015
With all the emotions and joyful chaos of pregnancy, sometimes you need to sit back and take time for yourself. Here is a short list of books for young moms preparing for motherhood. These books are a great source of hope and help whether this is your first time or your third! Take a moment, kick up your feet, and start
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Oh no! I may be preggo!

by Kristan Hawkins | March 31, 2014
Missed your period? Feeling sick? Witnessing an unusual increase in your spare tire? Before you sound the alarms and brace yourself for the family lecture, pause for a moment to consider your situation. You may be panicking when simply you are late for this month’s visit from Aunt Flo. Take a deep breath. Let’s go over the basics! 1. Are you
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Creating a Pregnancy Resource Website

by Kristan Hawkins | March 17, 2014
A common trend among pro-life student groups is to create a pregnancy resource website that is separate from their pro-life student group’s website. This effort helps broaden their audience by avoiding bias that may result from your pro-life position. In turn, these websites provide strictly pregnancy resource information for peers at your school and women in your community. A pregnancy
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What students don’t know CAN hurt them

by Kristan Hawkins | March 6, 2014
“What you don’t know can’t hurt you.” Or can it? In the case of pregnancy resources, we are all too aware that a lack of information all too often leads to unfortunate decisions. Every day, over 3,000 women seek abortions. They do not believe that they have the support and the resources available to help them through their pregnancy and beyond.
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