The following interview was conducted by Roanna Thawley, who recently served as one of Students for Life of America’s 2013 Missionaries for Life.
Karen Snuffer is the Executive Director of Care Net Pregnancy Resource Centers with locations in Manassas (full medical center), Warrenton, and Woodridge, Virginia. Their ministry website is and their client website is Karen also hosted Roanna as a Summer 2013 Missionary for Life at her home and she graciously allowed me to interview her about her work.
Why are you pro-life?
Karen: Because I made the mistake of having an abortion and I understand the pain and loss from that choice, how sacred life is and what a blessing life is. Through my experience of not protecting life, I learned that it is one of the most valuable treasures to protect.
How did you become involved in working with Care Net Pregnancy Resource Centers?
Karen: I heard about Care Net Pregnancy Resource Ministry through my church and the testimony of a woman who had had two abortions and went through abortion recovery at a local center. This prompted me to want healing because of my abortion and I went through the abortion recovery program. Through that healing and transformation I was led into volunteering and subsequently led into working in pro-life ministry.
How often do college students volunteer at the pregnancy care centers you direct?
Karen: During the summer as interns and sometimes during college breaks they will come in and help with mailings and administrative work.
What can pro-life college students do to get more involved in helping pregnancy care resource centers?
Karen: Spread the word about the true work that we do, not what most college kids think we do. Become informed about the resources your local pregnancy care center(s) offers, and distribute information (business cards, brochures). Work with your college and get them to share us as an option with women, so women know the resources we have and what is available. Help us become an option to pregnant women.
[Author’s Note: Students can work alongside SFLA and their Pregnant on Campus Initiative)
I spoke with a friend who said that the pregnancy care center in her town is Christian and mainly reaches Christian women who have become pregnant. How are the pregnancy centers you direct reaching women, regardless of their faith and whether they come to faith?
Karen: We are reaching more women, regardless of faith, mainly because we have started using social media. We are using Google ads, Facebook, and Twitter to reach out to those not in the faith community. Our development efforts and outreach are not just through churches; we are reaching out to the community through events, health fairs, etc. We are also connecting with our local hospitals and medical professionals to let them know the programs and services we offer. One of the challenges for smaller pregnancy care centers is social media marketing because of limited funds.
[Author’s Note: Students can help in this area by using their personal and pro-life group’s Facebook and Twitter pages to spread the word about pregnancy care centers. What is better than free advertising?]
If there was one thing you could tell college students who are fighting abortion, what would that one thing be?
Karen: Keep fighting the good fight and don’t give up. There is hope in our future. You are the generation that will carry the mantle, which is not one that is getting lighter. This is a battle that we need you to take a stand on so precious preborn lives are saved and women and men are spared the pain and anguish of abortion. Be the voice of truth wherever you are.
Thank you so much for your time and dedication to life.
*Interview: How Students Can Help Pregnancy Care Centers appeared first on Students for Life. Many thanks to Roanna Thawley, 2013 Missionary for Life, for contributing this piece.